Thirty Reflections: My 30th Birthday.
Birthday Post!🎊🎁👏🏿🎉🎈
Today is the last day I get to say I’m in my 20’s. Tomorrow, I step into my 30s! I have been looking forward to 30 for a long time but I’ve never understood all the hype about it. But let me tell y’all, it has hit me A LOT the past week. I’ve been more reflective and emotional. I’ve taken LONG trips down memory lane. It’s been a bit overwhelming to be honest, but it has been Good. And like usual, I’ve journaled about it. I know a lot of people make a list of 30 things (or something like that) when they get to 30 and you are right, I’m going to do it too! Here is a collection of 30 things I have learned/observed in my life thus far.
30) Take pictures. Capture fun moments, capture everyday moments, capture your milestones. Make your friends take pictures with you, they’ll eventually appreciate them.
29) Speaking of pictures, go to whoever has your childhood pictures and make copies of them! I own such FEW pictures of me under the age of 17 and it is something I lament often.
28) Find some hobbies you enjoy. Find hobbies that challenge you. Stick with one or two.
27) No one has it completely together. Everyone is dealing with something. Stop being so hard on yourself, and stop comparing yourself to those around you. Be less judgmental of others. It doesn’t help. Focus on your journey and help those that you can.
26) Your grandparents/grandparent figures have the coolest stories. Spend time with them. Spend time talking to people generations older than you. A few years ago I spent three hours talking to a lady who was born in 1920. It was one of the most fascinating conversations I’ve ever had in my life.
25) Your parents are real people with their own hope’s, dreams, fears, etc. When my mom turned 30, She already had 5 of her 8 kids. As I turn 30, she has lost three of those kids. Allow your parents to be human.
24) Call the people who raised you more. Ask about THEIR lives as you were growing up. I talked to my adopted Mom this past spring about some stuff from my time with them and it was cool to hear about it from her perspective.
23) IT COSTS YOU NOTHING TO BE KIND TO PEOPLE. You literally spend more energy being an ass than you do being kind.
22) Be generous with your resources. Do things for other people for no reason at all.
21) Don’t make big impulse purchases. Especially cars lol.
20) Apologize more. Learn to say sorry and to ask for forgiveness. Humility looks great on everybody.
19) Don’t be afraid to ask for help. Most people who can help you, will.
18) Learn how to communicate your need in healthy ways. People in your life will meet your needs, but they’re not mind readers.
17) Build your life with people, not around people. Live your life with people, not around them. Live a meaningful life with people, don’t find meaning around them.
16) Keep up with your childhood friends, you’ll be glad you did.
15) Speaking of longevity, don’t use how long you’ve known someone as an indicator of the level of friendship or even the health of the friendship. Some of my closest relationships are with people I’ve known for five years. A few are people I’ve known for LESS than that.
14) Show up for your friends/loved ones. Celebrate the small things. Start and keep traditions.
13) If you can afford it, go to therapy.
12) Interact with people from backgrounds different than your own. It makes you a more well-rounded person. The world is full of beautiful people from all walks of life, get to know some.
11) You will experience heart break a few times in your life. And you will make it through it. Some days it feels like you won’t, but you will. Same goes with grief. Hold fast, stay true.
10) You don’t owe everyone and explanation for your decisions. It is exhausting trying to explain yourself all the time. Especially to people who are committed to misunderstanding you.
09) Keep your word. This isn’t always easy but it builds character.
08) Write thank you notes often. If someone does nothing nice for you, acknowledge it. This is a lost art but can I tell y’all something? Every corporate job I’ve had since college I’ve gotten called and hired for because I sent a thank you card after my interview. (I’d like to believe I was also hired because I was qualified for the positions.)
07) Speaking of jobs, they’re just that. JOBS. Enjoy your work and work hard, but don’t work yourself to death. Corporate America is one big low key scam anyways
06) It’s okay to make yourself less available/accessible to people at times. Set and communicate your boundaries.
05) Take random road trips.
04) Iron your clothes. It’s okay to look nice.
03) Invest in your faith. Following Jesus has been one of the hardest journeys, but it is also the most life giving thing I do.
02) You should start journaling, even if it feels weird. It’s nice to trace your life and thoughts back on paper sometimes.
01) Destroy your idols. Chase things that matter, not things that are fleeting.
Bonus: Tell people that you love them. Better yet, SHOW people that you love them. Live a life marked by love, you won’t regret it.
I’m looking forward to what this next trip around the sun has in store for me!
📸: Christopher Knowles